bayesnec: An R Package for Concentration-Response Modeling and Estimation of Toxicity Metrics

Rebecca Fisher, Diego R. Barneche, Gerard F. Ricardo, David R. Fox

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The bayesnec package has been developed for R to fit concentration (dose)-response curves (CR) to toxicity data for the purpose of deriving no-effect-concentration (NEC), no-significant-effect-concentration (NSEC), and effect-concentration (of specified percentage "x", ECx) thresholds from non-linear models fitted using Bayesian Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) via R packages brms and rstan or cmdstanr. In bayesnec it is possible to fit a single model, custom model-set, specific model-set or all of the available models. When multiple models are specified, the bnec() function returns a model weighted average estimate of predicted posterior values. A range of support functions and methods is also included to work with the returned single, or multi-model objects that allow extraction of raw, or model averaged predicted, NEC, NSEC and ECx values and to interrogate the fitted model or model-set. By combining Bayesian methods with model averaging, bayesnec provides a single estimate of toxicity and associated uncertainty that can be directly integrated into risk assessment frameworks.

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