library("UComp") library("ggplot2") library("gridExtra") library("forecast") library("autostsm") library("zoo") library("tsoutliers") library("rucm") library("data.table") theme_set(theme_minimal()) ################################## # Auxiliar functions: # rowMedians: median of row of matrix # ForecFun: runs all models in paper for one forecasting origin # metrics: computes error metrics for one model and one forecasting origin # rolling: runs a rolling window experiment for many forecasting origins ################################## rowMedians <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, ...) { apply(x, 1, median, na.rm = na.rm, ...) } forecFun <- function(y) { # Function to forecast all models n <- length(y) y <- log(y) # ETS mETS <- ets(y) fETS <- forecast(mETS, h = 12)$mean # ARIMA mARIMA <- auto.arima(y) fARIMA <- forecast(mARIMA, h = 12)$mean # UC mUC <- UCmodel(y, h = 12) fUC <- mUC$yFor # BSM mBSM <- UCmodel(y, h = 12, model = "llt/equal/arma(0,0)") fBSM <- mBSM$yFor # Seasonal naive fNaive <- y[(n - 11):n] fNaive <- ts(fNaive, start = start(fUC), frequency = frequency(y)) # auto_stsm x <- data.table(data.frame(date = as.Date(y), y = as.matrix(y))) stsm <- stsm_estimate(x, freq = 12, cycle = FALSE) stsm_fc <- stsm_forecast(stsm, y = x, n.ahead = 12) fAuto <- ts(stsm_fc$fitted[(n + 1):(n + 12)], start = start(fUC), frequency = frequency(y)) # Mean fMean <- rowMeans(cbind(fETS, fARIMA, fUC, fBSM, fNaive)) # Median fMedian <- rowMedians(cbind(fETS, fARIMA, fUC, fBSM, fNaive)) return(exp(cbind(fETS, fARIMA, fUC, fBSM, fAuto, fMean, fMedian, fNaive))) } metrics <- function(insample, outsample, forecasts) { # Compute sMAPE and MASE for a single forecasting origin, method and horizon absE <- abs(outsample - forecasts) sMAPE <- mean(absE * 200 / (abs(outsample) + abs(forecasts)), na.rm = TRUE) n <- length(insample) MASEDenominator <- abs(insample[(13):n] - insample[1:(n - 12)]) Denominator <- mean(MASEDenominator, na.rm = TRUE) MASE <- mean(absE, na.rm = TRUE) / Denominator return(round(cbind(sMAPE, MASE), 3)) } rolling <- function(y, orig) { # Function to compute error metrics in a rolling experiment n <- length(y) origs <- orig:(n - 12) nOr <- length(origs) methods <- c("ETS", "ARIMA", "UC", "BSM", "Auto", "Mean", "Median", "Naive") nMethods <- length(methods) sMAPEaux <- array(NA, c(12, nOr, nMethods)) MASEaux <- sMAPEaux # Loop for forecasting origin for (i in 1:nOr) { cat(paste(i, "of", nOr, "\n")) yi <- subset(y, end = origs[i]) outi <- forecFun(yi) # Loop for horizon for (j in 1:12) { # Loop for method for (k in 1:nMethods) { aux <- metrics(yi, subset(y, start = origs[i] + 1, end = origs[i] + j), outi[1:j, k]) sMAPEaux[j, i, k] <- aux[1] MASEaux[j, i, k] <- aux[2] } } # print(MASEaux[, i, ]) } sMAPE <- matrix(NA, 12, nMethods) MASE <- sMAPE for (i in 1:nMethods) { sMAPE[, i] <- rowMeans(sMAPEaux[,,i]) MASE[, i] <- rowMeans(MASEaux[,,i]) } colnames(sMAPE) <- methods colnames(MASE) <- methods return(list(sMAPE = sMAPE, MASE = MASE)) } ##################################### # Example 1: Air Passengers data from Box and Jenkins (2015) ##################################### y <- log(AirPassengers) autoplot(AirPassengers, ylab = "Thousands") # Estimating Basic Structural Model m <- UC(y, model = "llt/equal/arma(0,0)") summary(m) # Full algorithm m <- UC(y) # Stepwise with unit roots m <- UC(y, stepwise = TRUE, tTest = TRUE) # Stepwise m <- UC(y, stepwise = TRUE) m # Plotting components t <- time(y) # comp <- ts(m$comp[1:length(t), ], start = start(y), frequency = 12) comp <- subset(m$comp, end = 144) comp[] <- 0 p1 <- ggplot() + geom_line(data = y, aes(x = t, y = y)) + geom_line(data = comp[, 1], aes(x = t, y = comp[,1]), color = "red") + ylab("Trend") + theme(axis.title.x=element_blank(), axis.text.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.x=element_blank()) p2 <- ggplot() + geom_line(data = comp[, 3], aes(x = t, y = comp[, 3])) + xlab("") + ylab("Seasonal")+ theme(axis.title.x=element_blank(), axis.text.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.x=element_blank()) p3 <- ggplot(data = comp[, 4], aes(x = t, y = comp[, 4])) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.01, fill = "#000000") + xlab("Years") + ylab("Irregular") grid.arrange(grobs = list(p1, p2, p3), widths = 1, layout_matrix = rbind(1, 1, 2, 3)) # dev.print(device = pdf, file = "airpas.pdf") # Plotting forecasts m <- UC(subset(y, end = 132), h = 12) py <- subset(y, start = 120) forec <- predict(m) ggplot() + geom_line(data = py, aes(x = time(py), y = py), linetype = "solid") + geom_line(data = forec[, 1], aes(x = time(forec), y = forec[, 1]), linetype = "dashed") + geom_line(data = forec[, 2], aes(x = time(forec), y = forec[, 2]), linetype = "dotted", color = "red") + geom_line(data = forec[, 3], aes(x = time(forec), y = forec[, 3]), linetype = "dotted", color = "red") + geom_vline(xintercept = 1960) + xlab("Years") + ylab("Air passengers (log scale)") # dev.print(device = pdf, file = "airpasFore.pdf") # Table 5 in paper firstRow <- UC(y)$criteria secondRow <- UC(y, criterion = "bic")$criteria secondRowBis <- UC(y, criterion = "aicc")$criteria thirdRow <- UC(y, model = "llt/equal/arma(0,0)")$criteria print(rbind(firstRow, secondRow, secondRowBis, thirdRow)) # Table 5 in paper stepwise firstRow <- UC(y, stepwise = TRUE)$criteria secondRow <- UC(y, criterion = "bic", stepwise = TRUE)$criteria secondRowBis <- UC(y, criterion = "aicc", stepwise = TRUE)$criteria thirdRow <- UC(y, model = "llt/equal/arma(0,0)", stepwise = TRUE)$criteria print(rbind(firstRow, secondRow, secondRowBis, thirdRow)) # Table 5 in paper stepwise with unit roots tests firstRow <- UC(y, stepwise = TRUE, tTest = TRUE)$criteria secondRow <- UC(y, criterion = "bic", stepwise = TRUE, tTest = TRUE)$criteria secondRowBis <- UC(y, criterion = "aicc", stepwise = TRUE, tTest = TRUE)$criteria thirdRow <- UC(y, model = "llt/equal/arma(0,0)", stepwise = TRUE, tTest = TRUE)$criteria print(rbind(firstRow, secondRow, secondRowBis, thirdRow)) # Rolling forecasting exercise from observation 108 errors <- rolling(AirPassengers, 108) print(errors$sMAPE) print(errors$MASE) ##################################### # Example 2: Sales index for food in large retail stores in Spain ##################################### autoplot(sales, ylab = "Index") # dev.print(device = pdf, file = "index.pdf") y <- window(sales, end = c(2018, 12)) yl <- log(y) u <- calendar.effects(sales, = FALSE, leap.year = TRUE, easter = 0) # Models estimation m1 <- UC(yl) m1 <- UC(yl, stepwise = TRUE) m1 <- UC(yl, stepwise = TRUE, tTest = TRUE) m2 <- UC(yl, u = u) m2 <- UC(yl, u = u, stepwise = TRUE) m2 <- UC(yl, u = u, stepwise = TRUE, tTest = TRUE) m3 <- UC(yl, u = u, outlier = 4) m3 <- UC(yl, u = u, outlier = 4, stepwise = TRUE) m3 <- UC(yl, u = u, outlier = 4, stepwise = TRUE, tTest = TRUE) # With verbose = TRUE m1 <- UC(yl, verbose = TRUE) # Model m3 m3 # Initial parameters p0 <- getp0(yl, model = "llt/equal/arma(0,0)") p0[1] <- 0 m <- UC(yl, model = "llt/equal/arma(0,0)", p0 = p0) # Plotting components m <- UC(yl, u = window(u, end = c(2018, 12)), outlier = 4) t <- time(m$comp) m$comp[$comp)] <- 0 p1 <- ggplot() + geom_line(data = yl, aes(x = t, y = yl)) + geom_line(data = m$comp[, 1] + m$comp[, 6] + m$comp[, 7], aes(x = t, y = rowSums(m$comp[, c(1, 6, 7)])), color = "red") + xlab("") + ylab("Trend") p2 <- ggplot() + geom_line(data = m$comp[, 3], aes(x = t, y = m$comp[, 3])) + xlab("") + ylab("Seasonal") p3 <- ggplot(data = m$comp[, 4], aes(x = t, y = m$comp[, 4])) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.01, fill = "#000000") + xlab("Years") + ylab("Irregular") grid.arrange(grobs = list(p1, p2, p3), widths = 1, layout_matrix = rbind(1, 1, 2, 3)) # dev.print(device = pdf, file = "salesComp.pdf") # Plotting forecasts m <- UC(yl, u = u, outlier = 4, h = 12) py <- subset(log(sales), start = 277, end = 300) forec <- predict(m) ggplot() + geom_line(data = py, aes(x = time(py), y = py), linetype = "solid") + geom_line(data = forec[, 1], aes(x = time(forec), y = forec[, 1]), linetype = "dashed") + geom_line(data = forec[, 2], aes(x = time(forec), y = forec[, 2]), linetype = "dotted", color = "red") + geom_line(data = forec[, 3], aes(x = time(forec), y = forec[, 3]), linetype = "dotted", color = "red") + geom_vline(xintercept = 2019) + xlab("Years") + ylab("Sales (log scale)") # dev.print(device = pdf, file = "salesFore.pdf") # Rolling forecasting exercise from observation 228 errors <- rolling(sales, 228) print(errors$sMAPE) print(errors$MASE) # Easter and trading day effect are not statistically significatn strictly speaking u <- calendar.effects(sales, = TRUE, leap.year = TRUE, easter = 06) m <- UC(yl, u = u, verbose = TRUE) ##################################### # Example 3: OECD Gross Domestic Product # with outliers ##################################### y <- OECDgdp # Plot of raw time series t <- seq(1962, 2019.99, 1 / 4) ggplot() + geom_line(data = y, aes(x = t, y = y)) + xlab("Years") + ylab("OECD GDP") # dev.print(device = pdf, file = "gdp.pdf") yl <- log(y) # Models m1 <- UC(yl) m2 <- UC(yl, model = "?/?/?/?") m3 <- UC(yl, model = "?/?/arma(2,0)") m4 <- UC(yl, model = "?/?/arma(2,1)") # Table 8 in text firstRow <- m1$criteria secondRow <- m2$criteria secondRowBis <- m3$criteria thirdRow <- m4$criteria firstRow[4] <- NA secondRow[4] <- coef(m2)[5] ar1 <- -1.5894; ar2 <- 0.6612; rho <- sqrt(ar2); w <- acos(-ar1/2/rho); secondRowBis[4] <- 2 * pi / w ar1 <- -1.5921; ar2 <- 0.6599; rho <- sqrt(ar2); w <- acos(-ar1/2/rho); thirdRow[4] <- 2 * pi / w colnames(firstRow) <- c("LLIK", "AIC", "BIC", "Periods") print(rbind(firstRow, secondRow, secondRowBis, thirdRow)) # Model m2 m2 # Plotting components comp <- ts(m2$comp[1:232, ], start = start(y), frequency = 4) p1 <- ggplot() + geom_line(data = y, aes(x = time(comp[, 1]), y = y)) + geom_line(data = comp[, 1], aes(x = time(comp[, 1]), y = exp(comp[,1])), color = "red", linetype = "dashed") + xlab("") + ylab("Trend") p2 <- ggplot() + geom_line(data = comp[, 3], aes(x = time(comp[, 3]), y = exp(comp[, 3]))) + xlab("Years") + ylab("Cycle") grid.arrange(p1, p2, nrow = 2) # dev.print(device = pdf, file = "gdpComp.pdf") mHP1 <- UChp(yl) cycles <- ts(exp(cbind(mHP1, m2$comp[1:232, 3], m3$comp[1:232, 3], m4$comp[1:232, 3])), start = start(y), frequency = 4) ggplot() + geom_line(data = cycles[, 1], aes(x = time(cycles[, 1]), y = cycles[, 1])) + geom_line(data = comp[, 3], aes(x = time(comp[, 1]), y = cycles[, 2]), color = "red", linetype = "dashed") + geom_line(data = comp[, 3], aes(x = time(comp[, 1]), y = cycles[, 3]), color = "blue", linetype = "dotted") + geom_line(data = comp[, 3], aes(x = time(comp[, 1]), y = cycles[, 4]), color = "green", linetype = "twodash") + xlab("") + ylab("Trend + Steps") # Variances and covariances of all cycle estimations varCycles <- var(cycles) corCycles <- cor(cycles) namesVar <- c("HP", "Trigonometric", "AR(2)", "ARMA(2,1)") colnames(varCycles) <- namesVar rownames(varCycles) <- namesVar colnames(corCycles) <- namesVar rownames(corCycles) <- namesVar diag(varCycles) print(corCycles) # dev.print(device = pdf, file = "gdpCycles.pdf") ##################################### # Figure 8 ##################################### y1 = UKDriverDeaths y2 <- ts(c(200.1, 85.2, 180.6, 135.6, 123.3, 159, 127.3, 177, 173.4, 145.7, 135.7, 171.6, 144.5, 146.8, 145.2, 109.8, 123.8, 247.8, 83.2, 128.9, 147, 162.8, 145.9, 225.6, 205.8, 148.7, 158.1, 156.9, 46.8, 50.3, 59.7, 153.9, 142.3, 124.6, 150.8, 104.7, 130.7, 139.9, 132, 73.6, 78.4, 153.4, 107.7, 121.1, 143, 250.5, 249.1, 214.4, 183.9, 86.3, 241.4, 94, 154.5, 87.8, 78.9, 113.6, 118.9, 143, 69.7, 83.4, 101.5, 205.1, 137.3, 244.6, 190.5, 151.2, 53, 132.8, 207.7, 131.9, 65.6, 184.7, 249.6, 159.5, 151.3, 184.7, 113.7, 157.1, 119.5, 99.5, 123, 110.7, 113.3, 87.9, 93.7, 188.8, 166.1, 82, 131.3, 158.6, 191.1, 144.7, 91.6, 78, 104.2, 109, 175, 172.4, 172.6, 138.4, 188.1, 111.4, 74.7, 137.8, 106.8, 103.2, 115.2, 80.6, 122.5, 50.4, 149.3, 101.1, 173.7, 125.8, 210.2, 242.8, 163, 128.8, 183.9, 138.5, 180.5, 119.2, 209.3, 129.9, 233.1, 251.2, 177.8, 141.7, 194.1, 175.2, 99.6), start = 1849, frequency = 1) y3 <- ts(c(10, 15, 10, 10, 12, 10, 7, 17, 10, 14, 8, 17, 14, 18, 3, 9, 11, 10, 6, 12, 14, 10, 25, 29, 33, 33, 12, 19, 16, 19, 19, 12, 34, 15, 36, 29, 26, 21, 17, 19, 13, 20, 24, 12, 6, 14, 6, 12, 9, 11, 17, 12, 8, 14, 14, 12, 5, 8, 10, 3, 16, 8, 8, 7, 12, 6, 10, 8, 10, 5, 7), frequency = 1) y4 <- ts(c(116.8, 120.1, 123.2, 130.2, 131.4, 125.6, 124.5,134.3, 135.2, 151.8, 146.4, 139, 127.8, 147, 165.9, 165.5, 179.4, 190, 189.8,190.9,203.6, 183.5, 169.3, 144.2,141.5, 154.3, 169.5, 193, 203.2, 192.9, 209.4, 227.2, 263.7, 297.8, 337.1,361.3, 355.2, 312.6, 309.9, 323.7, 324.1, 355.3, 383.4, 395.1, 412.8, 406,438, 446.1, 452.5, 447.3, 475.9, 487.7, 497.2, 529.8, 551, 581.1, 617.8,658.1, 675.2, 706.6, 724.7), start = 1910, frequency = 1) y5 <- ts((colSums(matrix(AirPassengers, 3, 144 / 3))), start = 1949, frequency = 4) y6 <- ts(c(303, 169, 152, 257, 247, 189, 146, 220, 248, 195, 141, 235, 278, 167, 150, 261, 244, 174, 104, 228, 243, 170, 113, 219, 237, 138, 114, 208, 190, 157, 93, 182, 183, 106, 86, 144, 226, 128, 62, 130, 169, 94, 91, 188, 148, 114, 62, 139, 104, 99, 76, 122, 107, 76, 51, 111, 95, 71, 63, 107, 65, 62, 39, 80, 86, 57, 37, 79, 83, 59, 42, 89, 84, 59, 43, 73, 90, 56, 40, 75, 80, 45, 32, 73, 72, 46, 38, 78, 77, 49, 41, 77, 78, 49, 34, 72, 68, 51, 23, 42, 72, 49, 39, 64, 63, 43, 45, 56), start = 1960, frequency = 4) p1 <- ggplot() + geom_line(data = y1, aes(x = time(y1), y = y1))+ xlab("") + ylab("UK Deaths") p2 <- ggplot() + geom_line(data = y2, aes(x = time(y2), y = y2))+ xlab("") + ylab("Rainfall in Brazil") p3 <- ggplot() + geom_line(data = y3, aes(x = time(y3), y = y3))+ xlab("") + ylab("Purse snatching") p4 <- ggplot() + geom_line(data = y4, aes(x = time(y4), y = y4))+ xlab("") + ylab("US GNP") p5 <- ggplot() + geom_line(data = y5, aes(x = time(y5), y = y5))+ xlab("") + ylab("Air passengers") p6 <- ggplot() + geom_line(data = y6, aes(x = time(y6), y = y6))+ xlab("") + ylab("Coal consumption") grid.arrange(grobs = list(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6), layout_matrix = rbind(c(1, 2), c(3, 4), c(5, 6))) # dev.print(device=pdf, file="figure8.pdf") ##################################### # Examples from other papers / books ##################################### # UK drivers killed and seriously injured # Harvey (1989) pp. 82 y <- log(UKDriverDeaths) # Model in Harvey (1989), pp. 83 m1 <- UC(subset(y, end = 168), model = "llt/equal/arma(0,0)") # Automatic identification m2 <- UC(subset(y, end = 168)) # Model with outliers and full sample m3 <- UC(y, outlier = 4, model = "rw/equal/arma(0,0)") # Optimal model with outliers m4 <- UC(y, outlier = 4) # Table 9 table9 <- matrix(NA, 8, 4) colnames(table9) <- c("STAMP & UCOMP", "UComp optimal", "UComp", "UComp optimal") rownames(table9) <- c("Level", "Slope", "Seasonal", "Irregular", "LS Feb1983", "LLIK", "AIC", "BIC") table9[c(1,2,3,4,6,7,8), 1] <- c(coef(m1), m1$criteria[1:3]) table9[c(1,3,4,6,7,8), 2] <- c(coef(m2), m2$criteria[1:3]) table9[c(1,3,4,5,6,7,8), 3] <- c(coef(m3), m3$criteria[1:3]) table9[c(1,3,4,5,6,7,8), 4] <- c(coef(m4), m4$criteria[1:3]) print(table9) ## Rainfall in Fortaleza # Harvey (1989), pp. 86 y <- ts(c(200.1, 85.2, 180.6, 135.6, 123.3, 159, 127.3, 177, 173.4, 145.7, 135.7, 171.6, 144.5, 146.8, 145.2, 109.8, 123.8, 247.8, 83.2, 128.9, 147, 162.8, 145.9, 225.6, 205.8, 148.7, 158.1, 156.9, 46.8, 50.3, 59.7, 153.9, 142.3, 124.6, 150.8, 104.7, 130.7, 139.9, 132, 73.6, 78.4, 153.4, 107.7, 121.1, 143, 250.5, 249.1, 214.4, 183.9, 86.3, 241.4, 94, 154.5, 87.8, 78.9, 113.6, 118.9, 143, 69.7, 83.4, 101.5, 205.1, 137.3, 244.6, 190.5, 151.2, 53, 132.8, 207.7, 131.9, 65.6, 184.7, 249.6, 159.5, 151.3, 184.7, 113.7, 157.1, 119.5, 99.5, 123, 110.7, 113.3, 87.9, 93.7, 188.8, 166.1, 82, 131.3, 158.6, 191.1, 144.7, 91.6, 78, 104.2, 109, 175, 172.4, 172.6, 138.4, 188.1, 111.4, 74.7, 137.8, 106.8, 103.2, 115.2, 80.6, 122.5, 50.4, 149.3, 101.1, 173.7, 125.8, 210.2, 242.8, 163, 128.8, 183.9, 138.5, 180.5, 119.2, 209.3, 129.9, 233.1, 251.2, 177.8, 141.7, 194.1, 175.2, 99.6), start = 1849, frequency = 1) m1 <- UC(y, model = "?/-8/?/?") m2 <- UC(y, model = "?/?/?/?") # Left half of Table 10 table10l <- matrix(NA, 9, 2) colnames(table10l) <- c("STAMP & UCOMP", "UComp optimal") rownames(table10l) <- c("Rho", "Period", "Var", "Irregular", "AR(1)", "Const.", "LLIK", "AIC", "BIC") table10l[6, 1] <- m1$comp[1] table10l[c(1,2,3,4,7,8,9), 1] <- c(coef(m1), m1$criteria[1:3]) table10l[c(4,5,6,7,8,9), 2] <- c(coef(m2), m2$criteria[1:3]) print(table10l) ## Purse snatchings in Hyde Park, Chicago # Harvey (1989), pp. 89 y <- ts(c(10, 15, 10, 10, 12, 10, 7, 17, 10, 14, 8, 17, 14, 18, 3, 9, 11, 10, 6, 12, 14, 10, 25, 29, 33, 33, 12, 19, 16, 19, 19, 12, 34, 15, 36, 29, 26, 21, 17, 19, 13, 20, 24, 12, 6, 14, 6, 12, 9, 11, 17, 12, 8, 14, 14, 12, 5, 8, 10, 3, 16, 8, 8, 7, 12, 6, 10, 8, 10, 5, 7), frequency = 1) m1 <- UC(y, model = "rw/none/arma(0,0)") m2 <- UC(y) # Right half of Table 10 table10r <- matrix(NA, 8, 2) colnames(table10r) <- c("STAMP & UCOMP", "UComp optimal") rownames(table10r) <- c("Level", "AR(1)", "AR(2)", "Irregular", "Const.", "LLIK", "AIC", "BIC") table10r[c(1,4,6,7,8), 1] <- c(coef(m1), m1$criteria[1:3]) table10r[c(4,2,3,5,6,7,8), 2] <- c(coef(m2), m2$criteria[1:3]) print(table10r) ## US GNP data # Harvey (1989), pp. 92 y <- ts(c(116.8, 120.1, 123.2, 130.2, 131.4, 125.6, 124.5,134.3, 135.2, 151.8, 146.4, 139, 127.8, 147, 165.9, 165.5, 179.4, 190, 189.8,190.9,203.6, 183.5, 169.3, 144.2,141.5, 154.3, 169.5, 193, 203.2, 192.9, 209.4, 227.2, 263.7, 297.8, 337.1,361.3, 355.2, 312.6, 309.9, 323.7, 324.1, 355.3, 383.4, 395.1, 412.8, 406,438, 446.1, 452.5, 447.3, 475.9, 487.7, 497.2, 529.8, 551, 581.1, 617.8,658.1, 675.2, 706.6, 724.7), start = 1910, frequency = 1) m1 <- UC(log(y), model = "llt/-8/none/arma(0,0)") m2 <- UC(log(y), model = "?/?/?/?") # Left half of Table 11 table11l <- matrix(NA, 10, 2) colnames(table11l) <- c("STAMP & UCOMP", "UComp optimal") rownames(table11l) <- c("Damping", "Level", "Slope", "Rho", "Period", "Var", "Irregular", "LLIK", "AIC", "BIC") table11l[c(2:10), 1] <- c(coef(m1), m1$criteria[1:3]) table11l[c(1:6,8:10), 2] <- c(coef(m2), m2$criteria[1:3]) print(table11l) ## Quartely air passengers data # Harvey (1989), pp. 93 y <- ts(log(colSums(matrix(AirPassengers, 3, 144 / 3))), start = 1949, frequency = 4) m1 <- UC(y, model = "llt/equal/arma(0,0)") m2 <- UC(y) # Rigt half of Table 11 table11r <- matrix(NA, 9, 2) colnames(table11r) <- c("STAMP & UCOMP", "UComp optimal") rownames(table11r) <- c("Level", "Slope", "Seasonal", "Season(4)", "Season(2)", "Irregular", "LLIK", "AIC", "BIC") table11r[c(1,2,3,6:9), 1] <- c(coef(m1), m1$criteria[1:3]) table11r[c(1,2,4,5,7,8,9), 2] <- c(coef(m2), m2$criteria[1:3]) print(table11r) ## UK coal consumption in the UK # Harvey (1989), pp. 95 y <- ts(c(303, 169, 152, 257, 247, 189, 146, 220, 248, 195, 141, 235, 278, 167, 150, 261, 244, 174, 104, 228, 243, 170, 113, 219, 237, 138, 114, 208, 190, 157, 93, 182, 183, 106, 86, 144, 226, 128, 62, 130, 169, 94, 91, 188, 148, 114, 62, 139, 104, 99, 76, 122, 107, 76, 51, 111, 95, 71, 63, 107, 65, 62, 39, 80, 86, 57, 37, 79, 83, 59, 42, 89, 84, 59, 43, 73, 90, 56, 40, 75, 80, 45, 32, 73, 72, 46, 38, 78, 77, 49, 41, 77, 78, 49, 34, 72, 68, 51, 23, 42, 72, 49, 39, 64, 63, 43, 45, 56), start = 1960, frequency = 4) m1 <- UC(log(subset(y, end = 92)), model = "llt/eq/arma(0,0)") m2 <- UC(log(subset(y, end = 92))) # Right half of Table 11 table12 <- matrix(NA, 7, 2) colnames(table12) <- c("STAMP & UCOMP", "UComp optimal") rownames(table12) <- c("Level", "Slope", "Seasonal", "Irregular", "LLIK", "AIC", "BIC") table12[, 1] <- c(coef(m1), m1$criteria[1:3]) table12[c(1,3:7), 2] <- c(coef(m2), m2$criteria[1:3]) print(table12)