## Replication script for article ## Inference tools for Markov Random Fields on lattices: The R package mrf2d ## Journal of Statistical Software ## Authors: ## - Victor Freguglia ## - Nancy Lopes Garcia ## Package mrf2d version 0.5 ## Package ggplot2 version 3.3.2 ## If the package is not installed please run the following commands # install.packages("mrf2d") # CRAN version ## or # devtools::install_github("Freguglia/mrf2d") # Development version library("mrf2d") set.seed(1) ## Please, set this seed and run all the commands in ## sequence to obtain results identical to the article. #### Section 3.1 #### plot(mrfi(max_norm = 1)) plot(mrfi(max_norm = 2, norm_type = "m") + c(4, 0)) plot(mrfi(4) - mrfi(2)) plot(mrfi(6, norm_type = "m")[c(1, 2, 6, 9, 19, 41)]) #### Section 3.3 #### th <- expand_array(-1, family = "onepar", mrfi(1), C = 1) # Sample a field z_sample <- rmrf2d(init_Z = c(200, 200), mrfi = mrfi(1), theta = th) # Sample a field conditional to the border values being 0 ## Define the logical matrix for the fixed region. border <- matrix(FALSE, nrow = 100, ncol = 100) border[1, ] <- border[100, ] <- border[, 1] <- border[, 100] <- TRUE ## Define the initial field initial <- matrix(sample(0:1, 100*100, replace = TRUE), nrow = 100, ncol = 100) initial[border] <- 0 z_border <- rmrf2d(initial, mrfi = mrfi(1), theta = th, fixed_region = border) dplot(z_sample) dplot(z_border) #### Section 4.1 #### data("field1", package = "mrf2d") dplot(field1, legend = TRUE) # Define a large set of interacting positions candidates <- mrfi(6, norm_type = "m") # Stochastic approximations for the candidate set set.seed(1) complete_sa <- fit_sa(field1, candidates, family = "oneeach", gamma_seq = seq(from = 1, to = 0, length.out = 300), cycles = 2, refresh_each = 301) plot(complete_sa) # Threshold-based selection thr_value <- 0.1 theta_vec <- smr_array(complete_sa$theta, "oneeach") selected <- which(abs(theta_vec) > thr_value) R1 <- candidates[selected] R1 plot(candidates) plot(R1) + ggplot2::xlim(-6.5, 6.5) + ggplot2::ylim(-6.5, 6.5) pl <- fit_pl(field1, R1, family = "oneeach") summary(pl) sa <- fit_sa(field1, R1, family = "oneeach", gamma_seq = seq(from = 1, to = 0, length.out = 300)) summary(sa) z_sim <- rmrf2d(dim(field1), R1, pl$theta) dplot(field1) dplot(z_sim) #### Section 4.2 #### data("hfield1", package = "mrf2d") cplot(hfield1) hmrf_nofixed <- fit_ghm(hfield1, mrfi = R1, theta = pl$theta) summary(hmrf_nofixed) hmrf_poly <- fit_ghm(hfield1, mrfi = R1, theta = pl$theta, fixed_fn = polynomial_2d(c(3, 3), dim(hfield1))) summary(hmrf_poly) library("ggplot2") cplot(hfield1) + ggtitle("(a)") dplot(hmrf_nofixed$Z_pred, legend = TRUE) + ggtitle("(b)") cplot(hmrf_poly$fixed) + ggtitle("(c)") dplot(hmrf_poly$Z_pred, legend = TRUE) + ggtitle("(d)") #### Section 4.3 #### data("bold5000", package = "mrf2d") cplot(bold5000) Rnn <- mrfi(1) theta_nn <- expand_array(-1, family = "onepar", C = 3, mrfi = Rnn) set.seed(1) fit_brain <- fit_ghm(bold5000, Rnn, theta_nn, equal_vars = TRUE) fit_brain_ind <- fit_ghm(bold5000, Rnn, theta_nn*0, equal_vars = TRUE) summary(fit_brain) summary(fit_brain_ind) dplot(fit_brain$Z_pred, legend = TRUE) dplot(fit_brain_ind$Z_pred, legend = TRUE) #### Appendix A #### library("ggplot2") base_plot <- dplot(field1, legend = TRUE) base_plot + ggtitle("This is a custom title") base_plot + theme_void() + theme(legend.position = "none") base_plot + scale_fill_manual(values = c("red", "blue")) base_plot + theme(legend.position = "bottom") mrfi_plot <- plot(mrfi(3) + c(5, 1)) # Custom colors mrfi_plot + geom_tile(fill = "orange", color = "blue") # Adding labels with geom_text mrfi_plot + geom_text(aes(label = paste0("(", rx, ", ", ry, ")"))) # Custom title mrfi_plot + ggtitle("Add a custom title") + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 24)) #### Appendix B #### # if the 'potts' package is not installed, run # install.packages("potts") library("potts") dims <- c(32, 32) nsims <- 100 C <- 2 setups <- expand.grid(package = c("mrf2d", "potts"), iterations = c(5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75)) set.seed(1) simulations <- lapply(1:nrow(setups), function(i){ iters <- setups[i, 2] if(setups[i, 1] == "mrf2d"){ sims <- sapply(seq_len(nsims), function(x){ Z <- rmrf2d(dims, mrfi(1), expand_array(-1, "onepar", mrfi(1), C), cycles = iters) return(smr_stat(Z, mrfi(1), family = "onepar")) }) } else { sims <- sapply(seq_len(nsims), function(x){ Z <- matrix(sample(0:C, prod(dims), replace = TRUE), nrow = dims[1], ncol = dims[2]) Z <- unpackPotts(potts(packPotts(Z + 1, ncolor = 3), param = c(0, 0, 0, 1), boundary = "free", nbatch = 1, nspac = iters)$final) return(smr_stat(Z-1, mrfi(1), family = "onepar")) }) } return(sims) }) library("dplyr") df <- bind_rows(lapply(simulations, function(x) data.frame(stat = x)), .id = "id") df$package = setups$package[as.numeric(df$id)] df$iters = setups$iterations[as.numeric(df$id)] ggplot(df, aes(y = stat, x = iters, group = iters)) + geom_jitter(width = 2, height = 0, alpha = 0.5, aes(color = as.factor(iters))) + facet_wrap(~package) + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "none") + xlab("Number of cycles/iterations") + ylab("Sufficient statistics") set.seed(2) zlis <- lapply(1:100, function(x) rmrf2d(c(64, 64), mrfi(1), expand_array(-1, "onepar", mrfi(1), 2))) est_mrf2d <- lapply(zlis, fit_pl, mrfi = mrfi(1), family = "onepar") est_mrf2d <- unlist(lapply(est_mrf2d, function(x) smr_array(x$theta, "onepar"))) ## This may take several minutes to run est_potts <- lapply(zlis, function(x){ t_stat <- potts::calc_t(x + 1, ncolor = 3) t_cache_mple <- generate_t_cache(x + 1, 3, t_stat, 64*64, 1, singleton) objective <- function(phi){ composite.ll(c(0, 0, phi), t_stat, t_cache_mple) } optim(1, objective, control = list(fnscale = -1), method = "Brent", lower = -10, upper = 10)$par }) est_potts <- -unlist(est_potts) df_comp <- data.frame(mrf2d = est_mrf2d, potts = est_potts) ggplot(df_comp, aes(x = est_mrf2d, y = est_potts)) + geom_point() + geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0) + geom_hline(yintercept = -1, linetype = "dashed") + geom_vline(xintercept = -1, linetype = "dashed") + xlab("mrf2d") + ylab("potts") + theme_bw()