library("MASS") library("survival") library("INLA") # Section 2 # Example 1 inla.setOption(short.summary = TRUE) data("aids", package = "JMbayes") par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) interaction.plot(aids$obstime[1:100], aids$patient[1:100], aids$CD4[1:100], xlab = "Time(years)", ylab = "CD4 count", legend = FALSE, col = 1:100) hist(aids$CD4, main = "", xlab = "CD4 count") data1 <- aids mtime <- max(data1$Time, data1$obstime) mtime data1$Time <- data1$Time / mtime data1$obstime <- data1$obstime / mtime datas <- data1[data1$obstime == 0, ] datal <- data1[, c(1, 4:12)] ns <- nrow(datas) nl <- nrow(datal) N <- length(unique(data1$patient)) fixed.covariate <- data.frame( beta0 = as.factor(c(rep(1, nl), rep(2, ns))), l.drug = as.factor(c(as.factor(datal$drug), rep(NA, ns))), l.gender = as.factor(c(as.factor(datal$gender), rep(NA, ns))), l.prevOI = as.factor(c(as.factor(datal$prevOI), rep(NA, ns))), l.AZT = as.factor(c(as.factor(datal$AZT), rep(NA, ns))), s.drug = as.factor(c(rep(NA, nl), as.factor(datas$drug))), s.gender = as.factor(c(rep(NA, nl), as.factor(datas$gender))), s.prevOI = as.factor(c(rep(NA, nl), as.factor(datas$prevOI))), s.AZT = as.factor(c(rep(NA, nl), as.factor(datas$AZT))), l.time = c(datal$obstime, rep(NA, ns)), s.time = c(rep(NA, nl), datas$Time)) random.covariate <- list(U11 = c(datal$patient, rep(NA, ns)), U21 = c(datal$patient, rep(NA, ns)), U12 = c(rep(NA, nl), datas$patient), U22 = c(rep(NA, nl), datas$patient)) joint.dataCD4 <- c(fixed.covariate, random.covariate) y.long <- c(round(datal$CD4), rep(NA, ns)) y.surv <- inla.surv(time = c(rep(NA, nl), datas$Time), event = c(rep(NA, nl), rep(1, ns) - datas$death)) Yjoint <- list(y.long, y.surv) joint.dataCD4$Y <- Yjoint JointmodelCD4 <- inla(Y ~ -1 + beta0 + l.gender + l.drug + l.prevOI + l.AZT + s.gender + s.drug + s.prevOI + s.AZT + f(U11, model = "iid2d", n = 2 * length(joint.dataCD4$beta0)) + f(U21, l.time, copy = "U11", fixed = TRUE) + f(U12, copy = "U11", fixed = FALSE) + f(U22, s.time, copy = "U11", fixed = FALSE), family = c("poisson", "weibullsurv"), data = joint.dataCD4, verbose = FALSE, control.compute = list(dic = TRUE), = list(list(), list(hyper = list( theta = list( prior = "pc.alphaw", param = 1)), variant = 1))) summary(JointmodelCD4) datas <- data1[data1$obstime == 0, ] # Observed event times datal <- data1[, c(1, 4:12)] # Observed longitudinal responses and covariates # Make a dataframe for the estimated survival functions dataH <- data.frame(datas, lambda1 = JointmodelCD4$summary.fitted.values$mean[(nl+1):(nl+ns)]) # Make a dataframe for the estimated longitudinal trajectories dataL1 <- data.frame(datal, fitted_l = JointmodelCD4$summary.fitted.values$mean[1:nl], random_l = JointmodelCD4$summary.random$U11$mean[1:nl], randoms_l = JointmodelCD4$summary.random$U21$mean[1:nl]) patients <- c(4, 35) par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(4, 4, 4, 4)) alpha <- JointmodelCD4$summary.hyperpar$mean[1] j_est <- JointmodelCD4$summary.hyperpar$mean[2:6] f_est <- JointmodelCD4$summary.fixed$mean for (patientnr in patients) { dataHi <- dataH[dataH$patient == patientnr, ] # Observed trajectory with(datal[datal$patient == patientnr, ], plot(obstime * mtime, CD4, ylab = "CD4 count", xlab = "Time (months)", type = "l", xlim = c(0, 21.4), ylim = c(0, 20), main = paste("CD4 trajectory - patient", patientnr))) # Model-based trajectory with(dataL1[dataL1$patient == patientnr, ], lines(obstime * mtime, fitted_l + random_l + randoms_l * obstime, col = "blue", lty = 2)) # Model-based survival curve pred_time <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.01) lambda <- dataHi$lambda1 # Estimated survival function plot((pred_time * mtime), exp(-(pred_time * lambda)^alpha), type = "l", ylab = "Survival probability", xlab = "Time (months)", main = paste("Survival curve - patient", patientnr)) abline(h = 0.5, col = "red") } # Example 2 library("JointModel") inla.setOption(short.summary = TRUE) data1 <- prostate data2 <- dropout ng <- nrow(data1) ns <- nrow(data2) data1 <- data1[order(data1$VisitTime), ] joint.dataPSA <- readRDS(system.file("exampledata/psa/jointdataPSA.rds", package = "INLA")) joint.dataPSA$beta0 <- joint.dataPSA$mu JointmodelPSA <- inla(Y ~ -1 + beta0 + f(, n = 50), model = "rw2", scale.model = TRUE, hyper = list(prec = list(prior = "pc.prec", param = c(1, 0.01)))) + b13.PSAbase + f(u, w, model = "iid", hyper = list(prec = list(initial = -6, fixed = TRUE))) + f(b.eta, copy = "u", hyper = list(beta = list(fixed = FALSE))), family = c("gaussian", "gaussian", "weibullsurv"), data = joint.dataPSA, verbose = FALSE, control.compute = list(dic = TRUE, config = TRUE), = list(list(), list(hyper = list( prec = list(initial = 10, fixed = TRUE))), list())) summary(JointmodelPSA) par(mfrow = c(1, 1)) plot(data1$VisitTime, data1$logPSA.postRT, xlab = "Time (years)", ylab = "log(PSA+0.1)", col = "lightgrey") points(data1$VisitTime, JointmodelPSA$summary.fitted.values[1:ng, 1], col = "blue", lwd = 1) lines(JointmodelPSA$summary.random$`, n = 50)`[1:50, 1], JointmodelPSA$summary.random$`, n = 50)`[1:50, 2], col = "red", lwd = 3) # Section 3 library("fields") library("viridisLite") set.seed(2019) t.max <- 8 mesh.time <- inla.mesh.1d(1:t.max) fake.locations <- matrix(c(0, 0, 10, 10, 0, 10, 10, 0), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE) <- inla.mesh.2d(loc = fake.locations, max.edge = c(1.5, 2)) # Hyper-parameters of our random effects # For the separable model range.time <- 20 <- 6 sigma.u <- 1 # For the non-separable model gt <- 2.23 gs2 <- 0.2222 ge2 <- 0.0805 # Pre-processing: Spatial and temporal FEM matrices sfe <- inla.mesh.fem(, order = 4) tfe <- inla.mesh.fem(mesh.time, order = 2) M0 <- tfe$c0 N.t <- nrow(M0) M1 <- sparseMatrix(i = c(1, N.t), j = c(1, N.t), x = 0.5) M2 <- tfe$g1 kappa <- 2/range.time Q.M <- kappa^2*M0 + 2*kappa*M1 + M2 Q.M <- Q.M/2/kappa <- gs2^2*sfe$c0 + 2*gs2*sfe$g1 + sfe$g2 <-*pi*gs2) Q.separ <- kronecker(Q.M, Q.nonsep <- (kronecker(gt^2*M2, gs2*sfe$c0 + sfe$g1) + kronecker(M0, gs2^3*sfe$c0 + gs2^2*sfe$g1 + gs2*sfe$g2 + sfe$g3) + kronecker(2*gt*M1, gs2^2*sfe$c0 + 2*gs2*sfe$g1 + sfe$g2 )) * ge2 summary(diag(inla.qinv(Q.separ))) summary(diag(inla.qinv(Q.nonsep))) # Prior simulation u <- inla.qsample(n = 1, Q.nonsep, seed = 2019, num.threads = 1)[, 1] <- length(u) # == nrow(Q.separ) # == nrow(Q.nonsep) sig.eps <- 0.01 noise <- rnorm(, 0, 1) * sig.eps df <- data.frame(y = u*sigma.u + noise, st = df$y[-($n)] <- NA # Precision matrix for observation noise Qeps <- Diagonal(n =$n) # Projection matrix for the observed latent field A.observe <- sparseMatrix(i =$n, j =$n, dims = c($n, # Posterior/conditional precision matrix post.Q <- function(sig.eps = 0.01, Q.model) { Q <- sig.eps^-2*t(A.observe) %*% Qeps %*% A.observe + Q.model return(Q) } # Point estimate (posterior mean) <- function (sig.eps = 0.01, Q.model) { a <- df$y[$n] b <- sig.eps^-2 * t(A.observe) %*% Qeps %*% a res <- inla.qsolve(post.Q(sig.eps, Q.model = Q.model), b) return(res) } <- = Q.separ) <- = Q.nonsep) local.plot.field <- function(field, mesh, time = 1, ...) { # Only use the relevant part of the incoming vector field <- field[1:mesh$n + (time - 1) * mesh$n] # Project the mesh onto a 200x200 grid proj <- inla.mesh.projector(mesh, dims = c(200, 200)) field.proj <- inla.mesh.project(proj, field) image.plot(list(x = proj$x, y = proj$y, z = field.proj), col = plasma(64), ...) } par(mfrow = c(3, 2)) zlim2 <- range(c(, for (tp in 1:3) { local.plot.field(,, time = tp, main = paste0("Separable mean, t = ", tp), xlim = c(0, 10), ylim = c(0, 10), zlim = zlim2) local.plot.field(,, time = tp, main = paste0("Non-separable mean, t = ", tp), xlim = c(0, 10), ylim = c(0, 10), zlim = zlim2) } # Posterior simulations post.sim.separ <- inla.qsample(1, Q = post.Q(Q.model = Q.separ), reordering = "identity", seed = 1, num.threads = 1) post.sim.separ <- drop(post.sim.separ + post.sim.nonsep <- inla.qsample(1, Q = post.Q(Q.model = Q.nonsep), reordering = "identity", seed = 1, num.threads = 1) post.sim.nonsep <- drop(post.sim.nonsep + # Plot the simulations zlim1 <- range(c(post.sim.separ, post.sim.nonsep)) par(mfrow = c(3, 2)) for (tp in c(1, 2, 3)) { local.plot.field(post.sim.separ,, time = tp, main = paste0("Separable sim, t = ", tp), xlim = c(0, 10), ylim = c(0, 10), zlim = zlim1) local.plot.field(post.sim.nonsep,, time = tp, main = paste0("Non-separable sim, t = ", tp), xlim = c(0, 10), ylim = c(0, 10), zlim = zlim1) } sessionInfo()