JSS logo Established in 1996, the Journal of Statistical Software publishes articles on statistical software along with the source code of the software itself and replication code for all empirical results. Furthermore, shorter code snippets are published as well as book reviews and software reviews. All contents are freely available online under open licenses. We aim to present research that demonstrates the joint evolution of computational and statistical methods and facilitates their application in practice. Implementations can use languages and environments like R, Python, Julia, MATLAB, SAS, Stata, C, C++, Fortran, among others. See our mission statement for more details.

scikit-fda: A Python Package for Functional Data Analysis

Carlos Ramos-Carreño, José Luis Torrecilla, Miguel Carbajo-Berrocal, Pablo Marcos, Alberto Suárez
Vol. 109, Issue 2

Extremes.jl: Extreme Value Analysis in Julia

Jonathan Jalbert, Marilou Farmer, Gabriel Gobeil, Philippe Roy
Vol. 109, Issue 6

Emulation and History Matching Using the hmer Package

Andrew Iskauskas, Ian Vernon, Michael Goldstein, Danny Scarponi, Nicky McCreesh, Trevelyan J. McKinley, Richard G. White
Vol. 109, Issue 10
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